Nov 28

How to install Hadoop on windows7

    During my installing of hadoop on my laptop which was based on windows7, I encountered some problems which cost me couple of hours, so I plan to write it down.

    The standard process was  :

  1. install Cygwin(must enable openSSH feature when installing).
  2. download Hadoop package from official site, and extract it.(PS: in my laptop, I must extract it in the directory which cygwin located, or hadoop namenode would not be started. )
  3. set environment variables: JAVA_HOME, HADOOP_INSTALL, add %HADOOP_INSTALL%/bin to PATH.
  4. open %HADOOP_INSTALL%/conf/, add "export JAVA_HOME=***", add "export HADOOP_INSTALL=**".
  5. then open Cygwin terminal, type "hadoop version", if no error found ,then it's ok. if error found , check your HADOOP_INSTALL, and PATH setting.(PS: be ware of the JAVA_HOME, it is recommended that this path should not include " "(space)).
  6. modity core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, mapred-site.xml using below content:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!– core-site.xml –>
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!– hdfs-site.xml –>
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!– mapred-site.xml –>
  7. configuring SSH using command: ssh-host-config , select not create private privilege account(may not the same word, but seems like it.).
    then generate a new SSH key (so we can login without password, the same as hadoop running on it) .
    % ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    % cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    Test with : ssh localhost ( before we can login , we must start the cygwin ssh service firstly. )
  8.  initialize hadoop namenode using :  hadoop namenode -format. if you can find "tmp/hadoop-*/dfs/name" in the directory which hadoop located, then congratulations.
  9. run (it will start namenode, jobtracker, secondary namenode, datanode). using jps command to verify if these deamon process were started successfully. also can check it by http://localhost:50030/ for the jobtracker, http://localhost:50070/ for the namenode.

    In my laptop, I must change the cygwin service configuration, I must change the service logon role. (using the account which was in administrator group)

Jul 14

How to solve “” when do serviceDeploy

    Today, when I perform the serviceDeploy on our mediation project I encountered a strange problem.I could serviceDeploy successfully manually, but not able to do it by hudson. When I used hudson to generate ear package automatically, I got deployment failed from the console, then I tried to find more details, after hours and hours later, I found there was an parameter I could used to trace the problem like the parameter of serviceDeploy.bat has.(The parameter was 'keep' ).  After  I turned on this switch, I found "", the whole stacktrace were: Continue reading

Feb 24

[转]WebSphere Concepts: Cell, Node, Cluster, Server…

Quick post… If you are not familiar with WebSphere at first you might get confused with its concepts: cell, deployment manager, node, node agent, cluster, server, …

First of all, lets start with the concept of a Cell:

A Cell is a virtual unit that is built of a Deployment Manager and one or more nodes. I guess a picture will help making things clearer: Continue reading

Jan 12

Websphere Message Broker7中配置DB2 JDBCProvider

    JDBCProvider向Websphere Message Broker(WMB)中需要操作数据库的node提供数据库连接服务,JDBCProvider作为一个服务被注册到指定的broker中。


  1. mqsideleteconfigurableservice, 用于删除一个可配置的服务对象。
    例如:mqsideleteconfigurableservice MB7BROKER -c JDBCProviders -o SIMPLERROUTEDB
    表示从MB7BROKER这个broker中删除type为JDBCProviders的服务(configurable service)中的名为SIMPLERROUTEDB可配置对象(configurable service object).
  2. mqsicreateconfigurableservice,用于创建一个可配置的服务对象(configurable service)
    例如: Continue reading
Jul 10


sporting house 妓院(不是“体育室”) 

dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”) 

lover 情人(不是“爱人”)

busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是“公汽售票员”)

busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”)

dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是“干货”)

heartman 换心人(不是“有心人”) 

mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是“发疯的医生”)

eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是“十一点”) 

blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非“盲目约会”或“瞎约会”) 

Continue reading

May 22

linux RPM命令详解

RPM 是 Red Hat Package Manager 的缩写,本意是Red Hat 软件包管理,顾名思义是Red Hat 贡献出来的软件包管理;在Fedora

Windows操作系统中也是同样存在的;比如我们在Windows系统中运行3D游戏,在安装的时候,他可能会提示,要安装Direct 9
;Linux和Windows原理是差不多的; Continue reading

May 22

rhE Linux4下NFS服务器安装和共享配置

    如果在安装系统的时候是全安装,则NFS是会被直接装好的,若无法确定系统是否已经安装NFS服务器,可用用rpm命令查看是否安装portmap跟nfs-utils,如下:rpm -qa | grep portmap ,rpm -qa | grep nfs ,更精确的查询是:rpm -q portmap,rpm -q nfs-utils。若提示not installed则必须自己手动安装了。 Continue reading

May 22

误用jakata commons-beanutils引起bug分析

    项目里面大量的使用到了jakata的commin包,包括beanutils这个包,主要是用来copy bean property,以前一直用的很好,也没有去深究它内部的实现机制,评自己猜想就只是运用反射去取得属性的值,然后设置值吧。接着就出现了现在遇到的问题,项目中一个vo属性的类型为Byte包装类型,这种属性在实例化的时候默认为null,这个特性被我用到了业务中,也就是我会通过判断这个属性是否为null来实现某些逻辑,结果发现这个属性竟然会在没有任何人动的情况下自己被赋值为0,然后就导致依赖这个属性的业务逻辑错掉,debug一步一步的跟踪发现只要一经过beanutils,copy出来的bean的这个属性自动变为0了,以为是beanutils的bug,找来源码看了看,发现BeanUtils中其实是调用了BeanUtilsBean的copyProperties方法,BeanUtilsBean中实现了一个简单的工厂模式,将的一个实例绑定在当前线程中,有点儿类似ThreadLocal,也就是当前线程中所有调用都会采用同一机制进行copy,这里说到copy的机制其实就是指Converter,对于各种类型都有一个特定的Converter,包内部提供了一些jdk内部类型的Converter,每种类型Converter都有可以提供一种默认值,而在BeanUtils中对于Byte,Integer等数值类型提供的默认值是:0 ,所以就会出现把Byte类型值为null转换成了0。其实这么做也有他的好处,可以避免出现烦人的NullPointerExceprtion。知道原因,解决办法就很容易想到了,自己重新初始化一下BeanUtilBean中的ByteConverter。