Sep 22



CMS (-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC) or the concurrent mark sweep GC could have been called the mostly concurrent mark sweep GC and here’s why.

These are the phases of a CMS concurrent collection.

1. Initial mark. This is the the start of CMS collection. This is a stop-the-world phase. All the applications threads are stopped and CMS scans the application threads (e.g. the thread stacks) for object references.

2. Concurrent mark. This is a concurrent phase. CMS restarts all the applications threads and then starting from the objects found in 1), it finds all the other live objects. Almost (see the remark phase).

3. Precleaning phase. This is a concurrent phase. This phase is an optimization and you don’t really need to understand what it does so feel free to skip to 4. While CMS is doing concurrent marking (2.), the application threads are running and they can be changing the objects they are using. CMS needs to find any of these changes and ultimately does that during the remark phase. However, CMS would like to discovery this concurrently and so has the precleaning phase. CMS has a way of recording when an application thread makes a change to the objects that it is using. Precleaning looks at the records of these changes and marks live objects as live. For example if thread AA has a reference to an object XX and passes that reference to thread BB, then CMS needs to understand that BB is keeping XX alive now even if AA no longer is.

4. The remark phase. The remark phase is a stop-the-world. CMS cannot correctly determine which objects are alive (mark them live), if the application is running concurrently and keeps changing what is live. So CMS stops all the application threads during the remark phase so that it can catch up with the changes the application has been making.

5. The sweep phase. This is a concurrent phase. CMS looks at all the objects and adds newly dead objects to its freelists. CMS does freelist allocation and it is during the sweep phase that those freelists get repopulated.

6. The reset phase. This is a concurrent phase. CMS is cleaning up its state so that it is ready for the next collection.

Feb 23



 一 JVM内存模型

1.1 Java栈


StackOverflowError:如果在线程执行的过程中,栈空间不够用,那么JVM就会抛出此异常,这种情况一般是死递归造成的。 Continue reading

Dec 29

Java JNI学习


  1. 编写java文件
     * Copyright (C), 2009-2010
     * File Name:
     * Encoding UTF-8
     * Version: 1.0
     * Date: Dec 29, 2009
     * History:	
    package jni;
     * @author (
     * @version Revision: 1.00 2:12:24 PM
    public class WinMessage
    	public native void showMsgBox(String msg);


  2. 用javac编译该文件,不用讲。
  3. javah -jni WinMessage,会生成一个jni_WinMessage.h的头文件,下面要做的工作就是dll的编写了。
    /* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
    #include "jni.h"
    /* Header for class jni_WinMessage */
    #ifndef _Included_jni_WinMessage
    #define _Included_jni_WinMessage
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
     * Class:     jni_WinMessage
     * Method:    showMsgBox
     * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jni_WinMessage_showMsgBox
      (JNIEnv *, jobject, jstring);
    #ifdef __cplusplus
  4. 创建一个win32动态连接库的工程,将$JAVAHOME/include,$JAVA_HOME/include/win32目录加入到工程需要引用的头文件路径中。
    #include "tchar.h"
    #include "stdlib.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    #include "AtlBase.h"
    #include "AtlConv.h"
    #include "windows.h"
    #include "jni_WinMessage.h"
     * Class:    
     * Method:    showMsgBox
     * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jni_WinMessage_showMsgBox
      (JNIEnv * env, jobject jobj, jstring str){
    	const char * msg;
    	msg = env->GetStringUTFChars(str,0);
    	WCHAR* strA;
        int i= MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8 , 0 ,msg ,-1 ,NULL,0);
    	strA = new WCHAR[i];
    	MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8 , 0 ,( char * ) msg, -1, strA , i );
    	MessageBox(NULL,strA,_T("Java invoke "),MB_OK);

    由于win32变成才开始学,所以这个东西弄了好久才弄好,网上的例子中通过GetStringUTFChars取回的msg直接传到MessageBox中用,可我用的是VS2008,直接用会报错误,大致是说不能将const char *转换为LPCWSTR * ,
    LPCWSTR是long pointer constant wide string的意思,是一种wchar_t类型,char类型占用一个byte,而wchar_t占用两个byte,所以这边就要用一个转换 函数,网上查好久才查到MutiByteToWideChar函数,才解决了中文乱码的问题。

  5. 编译完会成成一个dll文件,拷贝到java.library.path下,我是拷贝到了c:\windows下。
  6. 编写一个java类调用上面的WinMessage
     * Copyright (C), 2009-2010
     * File Name:
     * Encoding UTF-8
     * Version: 1.0
     * Date: Dec 29, 2009
     * History:	
    package jni;
     * @author (
     * @version Revision: 1.00 4:54:25 PM
    public class TestWinMessage
    	 * @param args
    	public static void main(String[] args)
    		WinMessage wm = new WinMessage();
    		wm.showMsgBox("MC Hotdog,哈狗帮!");
  7. ok,这下就完成了从java程序中调用win32 API弹出windows原生的窗口了 。
Jan 09



  int a = 645765765;
  byte[] b = new byte[4];
     b[0] = (byte)((a>>24)&0xff);
     b[1] = (byte)((a>>16)&0xff);
     b[2] = (byte)((a>>8)&0xff);
     b[3] = (byte)((a>>0)&0xff);
     int decodeA ;
     decodeA = b[0]&0x000000ff;
     decodeA = (decodeA<<8) + (b[1]&0xff);
     decodeA = (decodeA<<8) + (b[2]&0xff);
     decodeA = (decodeA<<8) + (b[3]&0xff);
     int decodeA2 ;
     decodeA2  = ((b[0]&0xff)<<24);
     decodeA2 += ((b[1]&0xff)<<16);
     decodeA2 += ((b[2]&0xff)<<8);
     decodeA2 += ((b[3]&0xff)<<0);

     int decodeA2 ;
     decodeA2  = b[0]<<24;
     decodeA2 += b[1]<<16);
     decodeA2 += b[2]<<8;
     decodeA2 += b[3]<<0;

Jan 01

Java timezone设置问题

    上个月碰到一个问题,有一个客户在装了俺们的系统后出现时间错误问题,查了很长时间也没有查到问题所在。后来上google查了下,在sun的网站上查到有人遇到过类似的一个问题,不过那人描述的好像是jdk1.4中的,解决办法就是下载sun出的一个TZupdater的补丁包,它会修正一些时区的问题,可我们的系统用的都是jdk6,应当是不存在这样的问题的。服务器上的时间是正常的北京时间,查看了服务器上的时区设置也是东八区,操作系统是server 2003,按照我的理解jre在默认的情况下应当是去取操作系统的时区的(当然只是猜测),可以查俺们应用的log发现log4j打印出来的日志时间也是错的,跟我们的应用一样时间出现好几个小时的偏差,后来查了下好像我们的应用内用的是北美时区,最后在resin启动的参数中加了 -Dtimezone=asia/shanghai 使得在resin启动的时候就将运行时环境人工设置到asia/shanghai上来,重启resin,问题就解决了。今天又碰到同样的问题,可不同的是我无论怎样设置时区问题依然存在,有点儿搞不明白了,希望在元旦长假过后能顺利解决这个问题。

Nov 23


    里面讲到当前中国的状况完全就是日本89年经济危机的翻版,于是查了些有关日本89年经济危机的资料。80年代的日本发展迅速,贸易顺差巨大,跟老美之间的贸易摩擦也跟当前的中国一样频频,在老美的压力之下被迫日元升值,在这样的环境下,日本国内为了刺激经济也采取的是及其宽松的货币政策,低的不能再低的利率。 Continue reading