


The GzipFilter compresses the output of pages for browsers which understand compression, and leaves the output unchanged if the browser does not support compression. A browser indicates to the server that it supports gzip compression by including “gzip” in the “Accept-Encoding” request header.

GzipFilter is available in Resin-Professional.
use-vary    Set the standard HTTP “Vary” response header to “Accept-Encoding”. This indicates to the browser and any intervening cache that the response from this url might be different depending on the Accept-Encoding provided by the browser.    true
no-cache    Forbid the browser and any intervening cache from caching the results of this request. Sets the “Cache-Control” response header to “no-cache”. If use-vary is false then this is always true.    false
embed-error-in-output    Embed the stack trace of any exception into the output stream that is being sent to the browser.    false

<web-app xmlns=””>
<filter filter-name=”gzip”

<filter-mapping url-pattern=”/*” filter-name=”gzip”/>

See com.caucho.filters.GzipFilter.

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